
Mailbag: Sagebrush dollar signs

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Despite all the rhetoric, the speeches and newspaper columns, it’s obvious the Sagebrush battle is not about the kids or their education or what’s “right.” It’s all about the money.

The Glendale politicians in general and the Glendale Board of Education in particular have an inordinate and unconscionable agenda to keep the ADA (average daily attendance) money that the few kids who live in the Sagebrush area generate. Depending on who you talk to at the Glendale Unified Financial Services Office, it is somewhere between $47 and $53 per day, per student. And the loss of that pittance amount is going to cause the closing of a school and the firing of 10 to 12 teachers? Give me a break!

Let Glendale’s politicians approve yet another huge condo development project or two and their increased tax base will more than offset the loss of this ADA money. Glendale should think about doing what’s right for the kids in the Sagebrush area — not the almighty dollar.

Trent Sanders

La Cañada Flintridge
