
Religion Briefs: Pair of parenting courses added at La Cañada Presbyterian

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Parenting courses slated at La Cañada Presbyterian

Two new courses, “New Babies” and “Parenting your Exceptional Child” are joining the regular lineup for La Cañada Presbyterian Church’s Parent Education program.

Parents of babies born between August and Dec. 31, 2015 are invited to participate in the New Babies class led by Nanette Brown, an experienced educator and mother of seven. Topics under discussion will include nursing, sleep habits, evolving family dynamics, infant safety and bonding with the newborn. This class will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays, beginning Jan. 21.

Sloan Walsh will teach the course for parents of school-age children, kindergarten through sixth-grade, who need encouragement, support and resources for parenting their exceptional child (those who are ADHD/ADD, autism spectrum, special needs, highly gifted or face adoption or divorce issues, health or any other exceptional circumstances).

“I love teaching Parent Ed because I have the wonderful privilege of supporting parents in their journey of parenthood,” Walsh stated. “The friendships I’ve had the joy of making throughout the years here are priceless.”

Her classes will be held from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, from Feb. 3 to March 9.

The second semester for the church’s parent ed program for parents of children 0-18 begins the week of Jan. 25. To sign up, learn more about the program, or to arrange to experience a free class, visit or call (818) 790-6708, Ext. 205. The church is located at 626 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada.

Guest preacher to speak at La Cañada Congregational

A guest preacher will be in the pulpit at La Cañada Congregational Church this Sunday, Jan. 10.

While the Rev. Skip Lindeman is out of town, the Rev. Marlene Pomeroy will lead the 10 a.m. worship service and deliver the morning message on the topic “Epiphany.”

The Chancel Choir, led by Dr. Harold Daugherty, will perform “Eternal Light,” composed by Jane Marshall. The organist is Joe Klice.

A coffee hour follows the morning service.

La Cañada Congregational Church is located at 1200 Foothill Blvd., across the street from Memorial Park. Visitors are welcome and can learn more about the church by going to or by calling the church office, (818) 790-1185.

Free grief support series at LCPC

The Rev. Dr. Peter Hintzoglou will lead the upcoming, six-week grief support series at La Cañada Presbyterian Church beginning at 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10.

Hintzoglou is the longtime bereavement coordinator at Heartland Hospice and has spent several years in grief counseling at the church.

“Grieving is not a weakness, for it is normal and there is no timing that one can set when grief may be over. Often, we don’t get over it; we learn to manage it. In these sessions, we’ll provide guidance for doing that.” Hintzoglou stated in a news release from La Cañada Presbyterian.

“Even when we think that we’ve managed the emotions well, and we’re doing well, there are times in our life when unexpected triggers bring the grief back to us full-force,” he said. “Often we are taken by surprise. The journey of grief is very unpredictable.”

The free series will run through Feb. 14. Each session, which will be held in the library just to the left of the church’s sanctuary, is expected to last about an hour and 15 minutes. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to attend all six weeks.

La Cañada Presbyterian is located at 626 Foothill Blvd. To learn more about the grief support series, call (818) 790-6708.

Methodists to hold prayer vigil

Saturday, Jan. 9 has been set aside for an all-day prayer vigil at La Cañada United Methodist Church, which started the tradition several years ago to mark each new year.

Hours for the event, which is open to the public, are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the church, 104 Berkshire Place. Participants will be invited to pray for our community and the world.

On Sunday, Jan. 10, Pastor Elaine Cho will address the topic “God is Love” in her sermon. Child care and Sunday school for elementary school-age children will be offered during that time. Lunch and youth ministry begin at noon.

The church holds an Intercessory Prayer gathering at 10:30 a.m. Thursdays.

For more information about La Cañada United Methodist, visit or call the church office at (818) 790-3605.
