
Portantino’s bills have a successful run in the state Assembly

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Three bills authored by Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge) passed the Assembly recently, including one that would allow prostitutes branded with tattoos by their pimps to qualify for a free tattoo-removal program.

Removing the markings will hopefully allow them to break free of prostitution and make a fresh start, Portantino said.

Another of Portantino’s bills that would ban the “open carry” of unloaded rifles or shotguns also passed the Assembly on a 44-29 vote.

AB 1527 would make it illegal to openly carry an unloaded long gun in a public place or street, expanding on a law written by Portantino that bans the open carry of unloaded handguns in public.

Violation could carry a misdemeanor charge, punishable by up to a year in prison and/or a $1,000 fine.

The third bill that passed would update and modernize financial reporting for politicians and public officials.

Each year, politicians and public officials must complete what is known as a Form 700 — Statement of Economic Interest. It gives the public and watchdog groups a way to keep tabs on the outside financial interests of officeholders and other officials to ensure they avoid conflicts of interest.

AB 2162, which passed unanimously, calls for restructuring dollar ranges on the form. Currently there are only four ranges for investments, property and income. The bill would create eight dollar levels for investments and real estate and 10 levels for income.

All three measures now head to the Senate.
