
La Cañada History: Water District links with Colorado River Aqueduct

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Ten Years Ago

State and county hazardous materials teams spent several hours in La Cañada Flintridge on a January day in 2003, collecting the dumped remains of a methamphetamine lab found in a front yard on Vista Place. Narcotics experts estimated that between 75 and 100 pounds of “product” could have been made from the chemicals dumped that day.

Twenty Years Ago

A series of storms between Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 1993 dropped almost 9 inches of rain on La Canada Flintridge, but no flooding issues or other damages were reported.

Thirty Years Ago

The La Cañada school board heard a recommendation from a reorganization committee to keep grades seven and eight at Foothill Intermediate School campus on Cornishon Avenue during the 1983-84 school year and also in 1984-85, if it was economically feasible. Enrollment projections indicated there would not be enough students in the future to make efficient use of the campus; school board members were considering moving the children to the La Cañada High property and renting out FIS to private school operators.

Forty Years Ago

It was reported that a NASA budget reduction necessitated the laying off of 200 employees from the JPL staff over a two-month period beginning in January 1973.

Fifty Years Ago

See’s Candy Shops Inc. in January 1963 announced it would open a store in La Cañada. A lot on the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Foothill Boulevard had been sold to the company and it was anticipated construction of the store would be completed in time to capture Easter sales that year.

Sixty Years Ago

The Foothill Municipal Water District was formally accepted as a member agency of the Metropolitan Water District, allowing it to link this area to the Colorado River Aqueduct, subject to the passage of a bond issue to construct pipelines.
