
K-rails removed from La Cañada Flintridge

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Neighbors in one La Cañada Flintridge neighborhood were relieved of their mud-blocking barriers on Wednesday morning.

Crews began to remove the K-rails, which were installed after the 2009 Station fire, from Big Briar Way and Haskell Street in a neighborhood near the Angeles National Forest. Earlier this month, residents celebrated the imminent removal.

Only some of the K-rails will be removed today, said Director of Public Works Edward Hitti, adding that the barriers removed will be used by the city in other locations.

Residents in some areas of the city have lived next to the barriers for up to four years, which were designed to protect homes from mudslides. The City Council voted to remove the barriers in June, following an assessment by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Barriers are also scheduled to be removed in the future from Los Amigos Street, Rock Castle Drive, Fairhurst Drive, Harter Lane and La Forest Drive.

K-rails will stay in the Paradise Valley area after residents pleaded with city officials to keep them for protection.

-- Tiffany Kelly,

Follow on Google+ and on Twitter: @LATiffanyKelly.


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