
Gifts for future La Cañadans

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The La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce’s plan to plant a time capsule in Memorial Park to commemorate the chamber’s 100th year is a fine one. Chamber officials said last week that the capsule will include a chamber business directory and photos of town, which we trust will be of some interest to the La Cañadans 50 years from now, when the capsule is to be unearthed. We have some other suggestions for what will make the capsule an interesting find.

Include bios and pictures of the top five students from the Class of 2012 at each La Cañada high school. One of these people might be president of the chamber — or of the United States — when the capsule next sees sunlight.

A blackened branch of a tree scorched by the 2009 Station fire, showing just how slow the recovery has felt. Or perhaps it would be better to include a chunk of K-rail. We understand the residents on Haskell Street and Big Briar Way would bury entire K-rails if Memorial Park had room.

A peacock feather, just in case our avian neighbors near Glenola Park are no longer here in 2062.

A memento from the landing of the Mars rover Curiosity, the La Cañada Flintridge-built NASA vehicle that landed this week after a journey of more than 154 million miles without needing so much as an oil change.

By 2062, La Cañada may have a sister city on Mars, and maybe then we can send our K-rails there.
