
Pasadena Junior League holds open house events

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The Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. on Sunday welcomed women from the area who were interested in learning more about the organization. Another open house for prospective members is set for Thursday, Sept. 8, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the League’s headquarters, 149 S. Madison Ave., Pasadena.

In addition to a hands-on experience in contributing to community causes, Junior League members receive training in leadership and advocacy skills, and in management, marketing and communication. The league offers members a supportive environment with on-the-job experience organizing community programs, fundraising events and taking on leadership positions.

The Junior League of Pasadena encourages all women who are interested in joining to attend an open house to learn more about the group.

Reservations can be made to, by calling (626) 796-0244 or through the organization’s website,
