
710 Freeway ought to be extended

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Although I agree with Assemblyman Anthony Portantino that a tunnel for the 710 extension is wrong (“Caltrans can’t be trusted with the 710,” Aug. 26), I have to differ with his letter about the 710 extension being built. The extension would solve a transportation problem by lessening traffic on the 5 Freeway between the 2 and 10 freeways, and easing traffic on the 210 Freeway on the western edge of Pasadena.

As it is now, there is one main path for southbound traffic, and that is the 5 Freeway. The 405 and 605 freeways are usable as well, but they don’t solve the local problem that exists from the incompletion of the 710.

The 710 should be extended to the 210, with both above-grade and below-grade lanes. La Crescenta, La Cañada and Pasadena all have the 210 with above-and-below-grades. Burbank and Glendale both have the 5 and 134 with above-and-below-grades. All of these communities still thrive even with the freeways passing within their boundaries. South Pasadena, Pasadena, Alhambra and El Sereno of Los Angeles will all continue to thrive with this extension.

People who want to save the houses that are in the path of the 710 extension are free to buy them and move them somewhere else.

As of now, truck traffic on the northbound 710 exits onto the 10 Freeway to continue their journey from the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach. When the 710 extension is built, truck traffic should not be allowed on the 710 extension, north- or southbound to and from the 210 Freeway.

In the short term, there will be many jobs available to local residents, and in the long term, traversing the Los Angeles area will be quicker and easier, with less hours of gridlock culminating in less smog and irritated drivers.

Edward J. “Edley” Rondinone

