
Los Gringos Locos was once a Conrads

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Ten Years Ago

St. Francis High School on Sept. 29, 2002 dedicated its new 325-seat, 12,000-square-foot Performing Arts Center. Prior to its completion, the school used Lanterman Auditorium to stage its productions.

Twenty Years Ago

Conrads in Plaza de La Cañada (where Los Gringos Locos operates today) was closed to customers while a complete renovation was underway. It was reported that one of the improvements to the restaurant would be a new lounge area.

Thirty Years Ago

A 12-member team of amateur female tennis players from La Cañada Flintridge won the national championship in the U.S. Tennis Association’s Michelob Light Tennis League play in Flushing Meadows, N.Y. The local team, led by its captain, Gari-Jo McCornock, represented the Pacific region.

Forty Years Ago

Following a collision between a bicycle and a car that sent a 9-year-old boy to the hospital, the parents of the youngster asked that four-way stop signs be installed at the intersection of Green Lane and Princess Anne Road.

Fifty Years Ago

It was announced that Bozo the Clown, a popular children’s television character, would appear at the inaugural Community Fair to be held in early October 1962. The event was sponsored by the Crescenta-Cañada Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Sixty Years Ago

The La Cañada Valley Chest and Welfare Council set a fundraising goal of $17,885 for the 1952-53 year. The chest regularly made donations to local Boy and Girl Scout troops, Children’s Hospital, the Community Visiting Nurses Assn., the La Cañada school recreation programs, Pasadena Child Guidance Clinic, United Defense Fund, Inc. and Travelers Aid.
