
Please, Edison, no more upgrades

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How nice to know that upper Ocean View received a light dusting of white stuff after the hailstorm last Thursday.

Did you also know that several yards and pools, plus the entire street on Nancy Way, were flooded due to a plugged storm drain on Crown Avenue, and that more than 90 customers were without power from Thursday afternoon until sometime late Friday night or Saturday morning?

As far as I’m aware, the streets affected were Nancy Way, Baptiste, San Juan Way, plus the water companies on Hampton Road.

At least Edison has sense enough to hire contractors who not only know what to do, but actually do it.

The same can’t be said for the five men in four Edison trucks that sat around in the parking area behind the water companies for an hour or more on Friday morning.

Please Edison, no more upgrades.

In the last five years since they “upgraded” this end of town, I have experienced more power outages than in the previous 35-plus years I have lived here.

Sharlyn French

La Cañada Flintridge
