
New Miss La Cañada Flintridge crowned

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Courtney Perry, a junior at La Cañada High School, was crowned Miss La Cañada Flintridge 2013 Thursday night.

The radiant new royal, the daughter of Doug and Sue Perry, learned she would reign for the coming 12 months during the 101st annual installation dinner for the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce and Community Association, held at the LCF Country Club.

Courtney is especially fond of working with and in support of youngsters, according to the biographical material provided by the La Cañada Junior Women’s Club, which oversees the court selection for the chamber. Through a church program, the new Miss LCF tutors underprivileged elementary school children.

She is also a member of TACH (Teens for the Advancement of Children’s Hospital), which raises funds and goods for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and for youth who are at risk of joining gangs. Also introduced during the event were other members of the court, Stephanie Beck, Chelsea Johnson, Madison Johnson and Nora Sagal.

The young women will attend chamber events throughout the year, serving as ambassadors at community gatherings. At the close of their term, they will be awarded scholarship money.

Miss LCF 2012 Lauren Barsamian and her court--Sarah Bartine, Joelle Dorse, Kendall Millard and Amy Young--were given thanks and their scholarship awards before welcoming the 2013 court to the stage.
