
All Health’s Breaking Loose: Falling in to fitness

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Something about the fall brings the comfort of getting back to a routine and organizing our schedules. After all, we spent most of our formative lives knowing that when summer is in the rearview mirror we get down to business. As fall begins, it represents a whole new playing field, a chance to begin again, kind of like New Year’s Day only with less pressure.
In the fall you don’t have to resolve to make the whole year better. But, it’s a “marker” in the timeline of our lives and markers keep us honest. They challenge us to master ourselves, as in: “I haven’t had sugar since Labor Day” or “I haven’t missed my weekly yoga class since the kids went back to school.”

Our focus turns away from how we may look or feel right now to how good we’ll feel down the road, as we travel further away from the marker.

Some of my favorite things about getting fit in the fall:

*The weather is still warm enough to offer a myriad of outdoor activities such as bike riding, hiking, cross-training, playing tennis—there’s so much to choose from.

*With the kids in school, parents’ routines stabilize—so setting side time for exercise is easier.

*Beaches are less crowded so beach activities are more enjoyable.

*With the holidays very near, there’s added incentive to get in shape and look great through all the winter celebrations.

Michelle Dozois of Breakthru Fitness in Pasadena says, “ Halloween can throw off your momentum, but autumn is a great time of year to stay on track so you can maintain your weight through the holidays.”

It’s natural that this time of year motivates us to get back to the gym, or to call a friend and add that morning buddy-walk back on to the calendar.

I hope you’re in the mood for a marker and this time of year encourages you to take charge of your routine. Who knows what could happen—there are many possibilities within that amazing body of yours.

Love & health,


LOA BLASUCCI is an author and owner of All Health’s Breaking Loose Wellness Retreats.
