
Letter: It’s past time to eradicate RINOs

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The Republican landslide election of November 2014 brought great hope to many Republicans. It increased Republican numbers in the House of Representatives, gave control of the Senate to Republicans and increased the number of Republicans in state legislatures across America.

But, that great hope has already been crushed. It was predictable. Rather than presenting a specific program, the Republican Party remained vague about its plans and rode the wave of President Obama’s unpopularity.

Now they are reaping their rewards, and kicking the party’s conservative base in the teeth. The Republican establishment, aka RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), such as Karl Rove, John McCain, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, are continuing their go-along-to-get-along policies that do little more than advance the Democratic agenda.

Look at what they’ve accomplished in two short months. They passed a very bad budget bill that fully funds ObamaCare for the next nine months and the president’s unconstitutional amnesty program for two months. They have declared their trepidation about opposing amnesty and reelected John Boehner as Speaker. The latter move was opposed by 60% of Republicans, and supported by only 25%.

Had Americans chosen to give Republicans two-thirds veto-proof majorities in both the House and Senate, I have little doubt that there would be any difference in the RINO march toward a RINO/Democrat nanny state. Just how stupid do they think Americans are?

The time has come to strip Democrats and RINOs of their abusive power.

We can do it thanks to the increased number of Republican state legislators who have not yet been corrupted by the national party. They have the power to reform American government by calling for a constitutional convention as prescribed in Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution. Three states have called for a convention and 24 more will introduce legislation to do so this year. Thirty-three states are needed.

If you care about liberty, I implore you to put on your Paul/Paulette Revere hat, read Mark Levin’s “Liberty Amendments,” and visit to find out how you can help make a constitutional convention possible.

David C. Wilcox

La Cañada Flintridge
