
Crime Report: Man assaulted, robbed on Angeles Crest Highway

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Jan. 2

Grand theft from unlocked vehicle and theft from an access card: Redwillow Lane. A man reported that he parked his Audi A4 in front of his home at about 8 p.m. on Jan. 1, but forgot to lock it. At 6 a.m. the next day he discovered items were missing from its trunk, including an Ojio black golf bag, a set of 12 Cobra golf clubs, a black leather wallet, a Bank of America MasterCard and an American Express card. When he called Bank of America to notify it of the stolen MasterCard, he was told it had been used to make a purchase at a Food 4 Less store in Pasadena.

Petty theft from unlocked vehicle: 5200 block of Gould Avenue. A man reported that at about 3 p.m. Jan. 1 he parked his Toyota Highlander in his driveway and left it locked there. When he returned to the vehicle at 8 p.m. Jan. 2 he noticed the driver’s side door was slightly ajar. Investigating further, he discovered miscellaneous U.S currency was missing. He reported the vehicle has an audible alarm system, but that he did not hear it go off.

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Theft from vehicle: 5200 block of Gould Avenue. A man reported he left his car parked in his driveway on Jan. 1. The next day, he noticed that a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses was missing from it. He didn’t give it much thought until he spoke to neighbors and learned that others had discovered items had been taken from their cars overnight. He then checked his video surveillance equipment, which had recorded two black male adults going through his vehicle at about 12:50 a.m. Jan. 2 before taking off in a light-colored compact hatchback, possibly a Kia Soul or a Scion XB.

Theft from vehicle: 5100 block of Crown Avenue. A woman reported that sometime between 8 p.m. Jan. 1 and 6 p.m. Jan. 2, someone stole jewelery from her car and mortgage statements from her husband’s car, both of which had been left parked in their driveway.

Jan. 3

Strong arm robbery and assault with a deadly weapon: Angeles Crest Highway, third turnout above La Cañada. Called to the emergency room at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, a deputy spoke to a white adult male being treated there who said he had been assaulted at about 2:45 a.m. that day. The victim said he had stopped at the turnout and parked his Chevy Silverado truck. As he was exiting it, three white adult males, all with dark facial hair, approached and one asked him for a cigarette. He leaned back into the cab of the truck to get a cigarette from the passenger bench seat. He said that as he turned back toward the suspects he was struck on the head by an unknown object. He fell to the ground and was struck a second time on the head. Dazed, he couldn’t rise to his feet for several minutes. During that time, one of the suspects entered his truck and stole a wallet, currency, two gift cards and the car stereo’s black and red plastic faceplate (Pioneer brand). The three men drove off in a car the victim could only describe as a sedan with a loud exhaust. About 15 to 20 minutes later, he was able to drive himself to the hospital to seek treatment.

Burglary: 700 block of Foothill Blvd. The manager of a business reported that when he arrived at work at 7:15 a.m. Jan. 3, the front door window was smashed and loose currency was on the ground in front of the store. Indoors, he discovered the safe under the front counter was open, there was paperwork on the floor, and an undetermined amount of cash was missing from the safe. It was also apparent someone had tried unsuccessfully to pry open the locked cash drawer. He said the business had been left locked by employees at about 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 2.

Burglary: 800 block of Highland Drive. Deputies responding to a burglar alarm arrived at a residence to find its back door open. Inside, they could see drawers had been opened in two bedrooms. While they were there, one of the residents returned home. He could immediately see that an HP Chromebook laptop computer had been taken from the dining room table. He deferred reporting any other items missing until he could speak to his wife and daughter.

Jan. 4

Theft by access card: 2100 block of Patagonia Drive. A man reported that a fraud specialist with a credit card company with which he has an account called to advise him that five transactions had been made on his credit card. He told her the card had been stolen earlier, at the same time his vehicle had been stolen. The fraudulent purchases were made in Montrose and Sun Valley.

Petty theft from vehicle: 800 block of Houseman Street. A man reported that sometime between 10 p.m. on Jan. 3 and 11 a.m. Jan. 4 someone opened the glove compartment of his 2010 Camaro, which he’d left parked on the street, and taken an iPhone 3, a wallet containing miscellaneous credit cards, a passport and passport holder belonging to his girlfriend, who was alerted by one of the credit card companies her card had been used to make a purchase earlier that day at a fast food restaurant.

Grand theft: 2200 block of Foothill Boulevard. A woman reported that at about 6 p.m., three Latina women, ranging in age from about 25 to 35, entered the store, touched several products and asked multiple questions. One of them asked to use the restroom. The other two purchased a bottle of hair product at the register. All three of them left the store together. About 25 minutes later, the victim went to the unlocked office at the rear of the store, next to the restroom. She noticed her purse was missing, along with her wallet, cash, credit cards, an iPhone 4 and a set of keys.

Compiled by Carol Cormaci.
