
Crime Report: Homeowner scammed by contractor on Craigslist

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La Canada

Nov. 24

Vandalism, over $400: 5200 block of Gould Avenue. A woman told officers sometime between 10:30 p.m. the day before and 9 a.m. that day, someone used a sharp object to scratch the driver’s side of her 2015 Kia Sorrento while it was parked near her residence. The deputy noticed three long, contiguous scratches on the door panels. The victim said she’s had verbal altercations with an ex-boyfriend, who may have been involved in the incident.

Nov. 25

Burglary, residence: 1500 block of Earlmont Avenue. A woman reported that sometime between 6 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. that day, someone entered her locked residence by smashing the rear kitchen sliding glass door and stole a Chanel handbag containing a credit card. The victim left her house at 6 a.m. for school, and later returned through the still locked front door. The house had been ransacked, and personal property was scattered about. The handbag was stolen from her master bedroom. Fingerprints were ordered, but a search for witnesses was unsuccessful.

Nov. 26

Grand theft bicycle: 5000 block of Oakwood Avenue. A woman left home and returned at 1:20 p.m. to find someone had taken three unsecured bikes that had been on her front porch. The last time she’d seen them was around 10 a.m. An immediate check of the area was unsuccessful.

Petty theft, unlocked vehicle: 1100 block of Wiladonda Lane. A man reported that sometime between midnight and 6:30 a.m. that day, someone opened the trunk of his unlocked 2013 Volkswagen Passat and stole his wallet, containing his license and four credit cards. When he called Chase to cancel one card, he learned a charge had been made at an Exxon in Pasadena. Fingerprints were ordered.

Nov. 27

Burglary, vehicle: 900 block of Chehalem Road. A man told deputies sometime between 8:15 p.m. the day before and 9 a.m. that day, someone entered his locked 2009 Toyota Camry and stole a red golf bag with clubs from the trunk and $50 worth of change from the center console while the vehicle was parked in his driveway. There were no visible marks indicating a method of entry, but an officer noticed fresh fingerprints on the driver’s side window and on the outside of the trunk. Fingerprints were ordered and photographs taken.

Nov. 28

Petty theft, unlocked vehicles: 5400 block of Arroyo Summit Drive. A man reported that sometime between 9:30 p.m. the day before and 7:30 a.m. that day, someone stole several items form two unlocked vehicles parked in his driveway. The suspect opened the glove box of a 2013 GMC Terrain and stole sunglasses, keys, reading glasses and coins from its interior. From the second car, a Toyota Highlander, a key ring and a candle holder were missing, the victim reported. No witnesses or video surveillance footage could be located. The officer noticed that three similar incidents occurred in the area, on White Deer Drive and Ridgecliff Lane.

Petty theft, unlocked vehicles: 1000 block of White Deer Drive. A man reported that sometime between 3 and 5:30 a.m. that morning, someone stole several items from three unlocked vehicles on his property. A 2011 Chevy Silverado was missing a GPS, $30 cash and a pair of aviator sunglasses. A pair of prescription sunglasses, $30 cash and a JPL employee badge were taken from his wife’s 2006 Honda Pilot. A woman’s hat, $30 cash and a GPS were taken from a 2011 Honda Accord. The victim said his son had noticed a suspicious looking black Cadillac parked on the street early that morning and provided a partial license plate. A fourth car, a 2015 Subaru Forester parked on the street, was also missing two pairs of sunglasses, a victim reported.

Petty theft, unlocked vehicles: 1000 block of Ridgecliff Lane. A woman told deputies that sometime between 8 p.m. the day before and 9 a.m. that day, someone stole several items from two unlocked vehicles parked in her driveway. She said several items of toddler clothing and shoes were taken from her 2015 Mercedes GL450. A male victim told deputies a Coach wallet containing credit cards, his driver’s license and $100 cash had been taken from his Toyota Tundra. There were several surveillance cameras on the property, and the victims said they would have a technician review the footage and send copies to the sheriff’s station.

La Crescenta

Nov. 12

Theft of construction funds: 3100 block of Brookhill Street. A man said he responded to a Craigslist posting advertising “three-day frameless shower pros” on Oct. 28 and arranged a home visit. The man, Clifton Miller, described as being in his 30s, 6 feet tall and weighing about 190 pounds, arrived the next day to take measurements and give an estimate. The two agreed on an amount for the work, and Miller asked for a deposit, saying he would return on Monday to complete the job. The victim provided a check and received an invoice. That Saturday, Miller called to say the hinges for the door were on back order and wouldn’t be delivered for two weeks. He told the victim he’d return on Nov. 15 with the hinges and do the work. But on Nov. 14, when the homeowner called Miller to confirm the appointment, there was no answer. He never showed up the next day. When the victim went to his bank, he learned the check had been cashed on Oct. 29. Another vendor on Craigslist later said the man ripped him off in a well-known scheme. The victim tried to contact Craigslist to report the scam, but was unsuccessful.

Nov. 29

Burglary, vehicle: 2900 block of Highridge Road. A man said at 6 p.m. the night before, he’d parked his 2002 Ford Focus in his driveway and locked the doors. The next morning at 9 a.m., he noticed the doors were unlocked and the glove box had been opened. A bag of quarters, a pair of sunglasses and the victim’s car registration and insurance information had been taken. A neighbor told deputies at about 9:30 p.m. the night before he heard his dog barking. He looked out his front window and saw a man in his 30s wearing dark blue clothing standing in his yard. The witness went upstairs for a better look, but the man had gotten into a black sedan and driven away.

Dec. 1

Burglary, residence: 4900 block of Glenwood Avenue. A man reported to deputies that sometime between 8:45 a.m. and 3 p.m. that day, someone entered his home and stole several small items. The front door, which was smashed, was determined to be the point of entry. Officers believe a black sock near the door was used to wipe the door clean of fingerprints. The master bedroom and two downstairs bedrooms had been ransacked. A platinum ring, silver and diamond earrings and two gold rings with precious stones were stolen from a jewelry box in the master bedroom. The victim said he did not know what else was missing but would take inventory. Fingerprints and a DNA test of the sock were ordered and photos were taken. A search for witnesses was unsuccessful.
