
La Cañada History: Endeavour crew visited Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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Ten Years Ago

Four Los Angeles high school students who had been denied access to a party in the 900 block of Baytree Road and got into a fight with the mostly college-age males there, returned to the house an hour later and threw rocks at the residence. An unknown assailant shot a single bullet into the would-be party crashers’ car. No injuries were reported.

Twenty Years Ago

The crew of NASA’s Endeavour space shuttle, who orbited Earth in April 1994, visited the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Cañada the following month. Endeavour carried the SIR-CX-SAR radar system designed, built and operated by JPL employees.

Thirty Years Ago

The owner of Hickerson’s Jewelers in La Cañada was sprayed in the eyes with a caustic chemical on an evening in May 1984 during a robbery of his business. The male suspect, who had been posing as a customer for two weeks, got away with approximately $30,000 in custom-made diamond jewelry. The victim, Monier Gabra, then 31, was treated at Verdugo Hills Hospital for his injuries.

Forty Years Ago

Flintridge Prep officials on a Monday morning found that pranksters had carried 60 vehicle tires into the private school’s main building sometime during the previous weekend and placed them in a stack that was about 4 feet high. Two other tires were found attached to the school’s flagpole and another couple of tires and a bicycle were discovered on the building’s roof. Investigating sheriff’s deputies reported that siding material was nailed over the front door with the words “Condemned, Under New Management” written on it in chalk.

Fifty Years Ago

Despite a small brush fire that delayed ceremonies, the dedication of La Cañada’s new Chilao Mountain School and teacher residence in the Angeles National Forest was held on a Sunday afternoon in May 1964 with 135 people in attendance. At the conclusion of the program the nine children that comprised the entire student body of the tiny campus sang for the first time publicly the official Chilao Mountain School Song, which was written to the tune of “Home on the Range.”

Sixty Years Ago

Local public school officials were notified that a new 100-home subdivision near Paradise Canyon School was expected to be developed. The tentative tract map showed the proposed development would fill nearly 29 acres north of Knight Way and west of Crown Avenue.

-- Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci


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