
The Valley Line: Rose Parade group fetes its Dino’s success

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Sunday’s Super Bowl XLVII is now history. It was an exciting game with plenty of brawling. In fact, for a minute I thought I was watching a hockey game.

The halftime show lived up to the hype and the commercials did also. I really liked the Taco Bell ad where the old folks were reliving their high school days — spicy stuff! By the way, it went viral and you can find it online for another good laugh. When I really think about it, the only reason I watch the Super Bowl is for the commercials. I do have my favorites — I always love the Budweiser ads with those beautiful Clydesdale horses.

Now, to catch up with some of our local news. The La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Assn. recently held its annual dinner meeting at the La Cañada Thursday Club. With the “Animation Trophy” banner prominently displayed on stage, the evening was festive from the opening ceremonies to the receipt of a city proclamation and state Assembly’s recognition at the end. In her thoughtful invocation, Pat Foltyn gave thanks for the 35 years people of widely diverse interests and talents united as community volunteers to create floats, including this year’s whimsical and award-winning “Dino-Soar.”

La Cañada Flintridge Mayor Steve Del Guercio was master of ceremonies for the evening. President Ann Neilson, VP of Administration Peggy Hotaling, VP Float Development Mike O’Connor, Construction Chair Pam Wiedenbeck, Decoration Chairs Danelle and Brian Jacobs, and Site Chair Chuck Terhune recognized some of the many individuals involved in all aspects of the creation of “Dino-Soar.” Claude & Company catered the delicious buffet dinner for the 80 attendees.

Ann Neilson then presided over the meeting and recognized the retiring directors. The following new directors were elected to the board for a three-year term: Julie Cameron, Barbie Eland, Mike Leininger, Janis Peterson, Bill Pounders, Sarah Yegiazaryan, Dena Hardin and Jennifer O’Connor. They will join continuing directors Clyde Hemphill, Corkie MacPherson, Tim Rahtz, Chuck Terhune, Pam Wiedenbeck, Peggy Hotaling, Pat Hutchins, Jacob Maitless, Ann Neilson and Joe Thompson.

Following the election, the mayor installed the new board members as well as the subsequently elected officers for 2013-14: Ann Neilson continues as president and Peggy Hotaling as VP of administration. Pam Wiedenbeck is the new VP of float development; Sharlyn French is secretary and Betty Jones is treasurer. Nominating committee chair Sarah Marshall introduced new chairmen: Corkie MacPherson, fundraising; Julie Cameron, membership; Bill Pounders, public relations; Janis Peterson, construction; Jennifer O’Connor, decoration; and site chair, Chuck Terhune.

In a city proclamation Del Guercio decreed that the 2013 float “Dino-Soar” with its 38 moving parts, the most of any entry in the 124th Rose Parade, fully represented the Rose Parade theme, “Oh, the Places They’ll Go!” and was truly the best animated and whimsical float.

Also Del Guercio expressed deep appreciation for the many volunteers that contributed to the success of the city’s “self-built” float that offered families and friends an opportunity to take part in representing the city in a tradition that is viewed by millions around the world on New Year’s Day.

The proclamation was endorsed by a hilarious “grand jury” of significant community-minded folk wearing pretty funny vestments of their authority. Some of those characters were the Frog played by City Councilman Dave Spence; Pat Anderson, LCF Chamber of Commerce president and chief executive, who wore a chicken costume, and former state Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, attired in a bumblebee costume with crooked antennae.

Assemblyman Mike Gatto, 43rd District, also sent a certificate of recognition from the state Assembly to the association for exceptional creativity, dedication and hard work.

In closing, Neilson expressed thanks to all for their support and also expressed gratitude to the many volunteers for their contributions of time, talent and enthusiasm.

The next association get-together will be Happy Hour from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 22, at the home of Doris Samuelson, 5227 Dona Maria Lane, La Cañada Flintridge.

Anyone over 18 is invited to attend; just bring an appetizer to share and buy your beverage of choice at a modest price.

Members bringing a guest will receive a free beverage ticket.


JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada social scene. Email her at with news of your special event.
