
La Cañada History: An antique fashion show and luncheon for a 1973 fundraiser

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Ten Years Ago

The city secured a $600,000 grant from the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to be used toward purchasing a five-acre parcel in Hall-Beckley Canyon to preserve as open space.

Twenty Years Ago

The La Cañada branch of Security Pacific National Bank, which opened its doors in 1967, was closed on Feb. 26, 1993, following the bank’s merger with Bank of America.

The existing customers’ accounts and safety deposit boxes were transferred to the La Cañada Bank of America office, which was then operating in the 600 block of Foothill Boulevard.

Thirty Years Ago

About 3 feet of water flooded the auditorium in the fine arts building at La Cañada High School after nearly 13 inches of rain fell on the city during a one-week period in February 1983.

Also flooded the same week were the cafetorium and lounge on the La Cañada Elementary School campus.

Forty Years Ago

Leaders of the La Cañada High School Music Parents Assn. were planning the organization’s spring 1973 fundraiser, an antique fashion show and luncheon.

The clothing to be worn by models was provided by the show’s moderator, Fran Tucker, who shared fashions dating from 1775 to 1930.

Fifty Years Ago

Thieves broke into soft drink dispensing machines at three La Cañada gas stations on a single night in 1963, getting away with nickels and dimes totaling about $25.

An intruder broke into a fourth La Cañada station the same week, but apparently left with nothing except a hand bloodied by breaking a window pane.

Sixty Years Ago

A La Cañada Democratic Club was organized and its first meeting held, with members watching a televised speech by Adlai Stevenson.

The charter president of the new group was Milton G. Cook of Indiana Avenue.


Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci
