
La Cañada school board talks reshuffle

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Recent personnel shifts in the district’s upper strata were discussed by members of the La Cañada school board Tuesday night, highlighting the changes as part of Superintendent Wendy Sinnette’s plan to streamline leadership and reorganize administration in the coming school year.

“This is a goal that the board gave me, in part, last year, and we hit it full force because of several events that are taking place,” Sinnette said Tuesday.

At the close of the school year, financial consultant Stephen Hodgson will be leaving the district after five years. Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations Mike Leininger is also expected to retire. LCUSD will hire a chief business and operations officer to replace both positions. Officials interviewed candidates last week and are currently following up on references, Sinnette said.

Meanwhile, the board officially recognized the selection of La Cañada High School 7/8 Principal Anais Wenn as assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction. Board member Susan Boyd commended Wenn’s commitment to students.

“Obviously, we all think very highly of you and your abilities and everything you’ve accomplished in the past,” Boyd said.

Wenn said she was looking forward to her new position and the opportunity to actively visit school sites.

“I would like to continue my interaction with staff and students and be visible on every campus,” she added. “I envision this position to be very much involved with what’s happening in the schools.”

Sinnette also announced the contract renewal of Patty Hager as associate superintendent of human resources and pupil personnel services, stating the overall fiscal impact of the reorganization to be $8,159.

The board also approved new elementary and high school calendars for 2013-14 and 2014-15.

They allow for 180 instructional days, incorporating early-release collaboration days for elementary school teachers and late-start collaboration periods at the high school level.

[For the Record March 28, 2013: An earlier version of this post incorrectly stated the board allows 178 instructional days.]
