
The transformational power of choral music

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Re: “The choir and its beautiful music,” Thoughts from Dr. Joe, Sept. 16. What a lovely tribute and analysis of Jeff Brookey’s passion for teaching beautiful music. Would that every teacher felt that their efforts to inspire emerging young adults are the “highest form of endeavor.”

It is undeniable that singing beautiful music together can be magical in its transformational quality. Those of us whose children have left La Cañada High School better people because of their experience in the choir will always be grateful that Brookey is sharing his gift with our particular school and has continued a long tradition of excellence in the music program there.

Anyone who has attended a final Chamber Singers concert and seen the waterworks that start even before the final notes are sung understands that these lucky kids have been privy to an enlightening experience that will be embedded in their memory forever. Thank you to Joe Puglia for pointing that out in his public forum.

Anne Tryba
La Cañada Flintridge
