
La Cañada Organizations: Hospital guild plans Western party

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Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital is sending out invitations for its Moonlight & Moonshine fundraiser, which will be held from 6 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, at the Thursday Club, 4440 Woodleigh Lane. Community members are welcome to don some Western gear and join the party.

Music, a barbecue dinner, a bit of gambling and some line dancing are all included in the evening’s program. Auctioned items will include the use of a skybox at a Lakers or Clippers game, and a week at a San Clemente condo or Montana cabin.

Chairing the event are guild members Debbie Enterante Zielinski and Charlotte Saydah. Cost to attend is $75 per person. To reserve a spot, send a check made out to FGCH to Maureen Railsback, 4110 Forest Hill Drive, La Cañada, CA 91011. For more details, email

School donations soar this month

The La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation on Tuesday presented its symbolic large check to the La Cañada Unified School District Governing Board, representing the $2.1 million the organization raised during its campaign for 2012-13.

The foundation also reported this week that community support for the public schools continues at a strong pace, with more than $456,000 donated during the district’s Back-to-School nights this month. This sum represents an 18% increase over the amount given during the same events last year.

“We’re thrilled to start the year out with such tremendous support from the community,” stated Deborah Weirick, executive director of the foundation.

Habitat chapter honors volunteers

More than two dozen volunteers were honored Aug. 26 when the San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity held its annual Volunteer Recognition Reception at the La Cañada Thursday Club.

Those honored this year were Roger Booth, Gillian Burton, Claire Cannon, Robert Dyer, Haydee Garcia, Jesus Gomez, David Kirakosyan, Robert Quintero, Dennis Tierney, Michael Fortney, Amanda Gallagher, Lauren Klapp, Asuka Maejima, Drew Phillips, Diana Rafeedie-Nofal, Lorraine Reeves, Paul Villegas, Bill Wofford, Gia Alparaz, Enrique Frausto, Ljiljana Grozdanic, Paul McAnnally-Linz, Stefanie Rico, Nancy Weckwerth, Elaine Wilkerson and Social Vocational Services. Peter Zovak, the deputy director of community development for the city of Glendale, was given the Ace Cain Humanitarian Award.

To learn more about San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity, or to get involved, visit

Applications open for studying abroad

AFS Intercultural Programs (formerly known as American Field Service) is accepting applications from high school students interested in traveling abroad for the summer of 2013, the second semester of the current school year and the full 2013-14 school year, it was announced this week.

Early application is encouraged because the popular countries and programs fill up quickly in the academic year, according to Kent Frewing, AFS sending representative for La Cañada High School.

Students live with a family abroad, learning the culture of that society. There are specialized programs available in sports and outdoor activities, service projects or language study.

To learn more about the AFS exchange programs, visit or contact Frewing at (818) 790-0671 or at

Gant ends term as Kiwanis president

Mary Gant on Sept. 19 presided over her final meeting as president of the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada. She read from a long list of the club’s accomplishments during the 2011-12 Kiwanis year.

Gant also thanked the members who participated in the activities and handed out certificates of achievement to several members.

The local club sponsors Key Clubs in local high schools and highlights elementary-age students through its Terrific Kids program. It also presents its Travel Adventure Series, and annual Wine and Gourmet Food Tasting event (this year’s fundraiser is Oct. 7), a literacy project that distributes books to schools in disadvantaged areas and is involved in other civic activities.

Murrell to address Republican group

Ann-Marie Murrell, co-host and national director of, will be the guest speaker when the La Crescenta Valley Republican Women Federated holds its luncheon meeting on Thursday, Oct. 11, at La Cañada Flintridge Country Club, 5500 Godbey Drive. Hours for the event are 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Lunch is $25. For reservations call Ellen Hedrick at (818) 248-0924 or Molly Powers at (818) 248-4825.
