
La Cañada Organizations: Trails council installs president

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Debbie Tinkham was installed president of the La Cañada Flintridge Trails Council during the organization’s Oct. 2 meeting. Serving with her on the board are Darrell Tinkham, John Newcombe, Marietta Kruells, Cookie Kulper, Caroline Craven, Stephanie Stroup and Kathy Rittwage.

The council, established in 1974, is an all-volunteer nonprofit group dedicated to developing, preserving and promoting the local trails. Community memberships are encouraged: Send a $15 check made out to the LCF Trails Council and mail it to the council at P.O. Box 852, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91012.

The organization publishes trail maps that are available for $1 at Sport Chalet, Flintridge Bookstore and the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce office. They can also be found online at

Volunteers help beautify library

The four California-compatible landscaped areas at the La Cañada Flintridge public library were given care Saturday by several volunteers coordinated by La Cañada Valley Beautiful. The group hopes to complete its five “Gardens of the World” library demonstration gardens with the installation of a Western Cape South African garden there this year.

Valley Beautiful offers the gardening days at the library twice a year to teach the volunteers how to care for drought-tolerant plants while beautifying the Oakwood Avenue property.

YMCA honors volunteers’ work

Volunteers who have given at least 50 hours of service to the YMCA of the Foothills were recognized Oct. 4 during an event held at the Angeles National Golf Club in Sunland.

The Presidents Call to Service Award was given to Anthony Angelica, who has volunteered in excess of 4,000 hours to the organization. He is a former board president who was active on key committees and has been an avid community support campaigner.

The Pat Aho Volunteer of the Year Award went to Richard Goeden, a retired Caltech engineer who volunteered 400 to 500 hours of his time to create a solution to repair the retractable roof above the Verdugo Hills Family YMCA.

Gold awards were given to Allison Terry, Chris Lyons, Jake Ksendzov, Karina Abou-Chakra, Mike Thompson; Silver awards went to Alison Corti and Myles Dalmau; and Bronze awards were earned by Andrea Nino, Corrina Conroy, Isabella Jorbajian, Jeanne Baldwin, Jenna Yoskowitz, Kirsten Wright, Lillian Alden, Logan Kyhn and Shilla Aram.
