
Still not satisfied with FSHA plans

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Re: “Flintridge Sacred Heart seeks its own zone,” Oct. 21. Margaret Kean of Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy (FSHA) says the school is “in the process of a plan that will reduce cars on the road.” Yet neither Kean nor Sacred Heart have shared any specific information of such a plan with the people who matter most — FSHA’s neighbors who are forced to bear the brunt of the school’s traffic each day.

It’s also troubling that FSHA, in seeking a “specific plan,” is now asking for its own special, custom-made set of planning and development rules, while it has historically and openly flouted the city of La Cañada Flintridge’s enrollment cap imposed in 1994.

Perhaps most vexing is FSHA’s assertion that traffic in the area will somehow decrease at the same time FSHA is proposing a 10% increase in the student body. If that’s the case, we’d like to see FSHA alleviate traffic on the 210 Freeway as well!

Hera Markarian
La Cañada Flintridge
