
This could be a walk-friendly community

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Having recently moved to La Cañada because of its great public schools and family-friendly community, I have become quickly dismayed at the unfriendliness that greets me when I walk around the neighborhood.

Granted, there are no sidewalks so pedestrians are forced to share the road with people in cars. I have been greeted with cars going far closer to 40 than 25.

I have talked to two mothers, apprehensively at first, as I didn’t want to come off as paranoid, who immediately agreed that they do not walk their children because they feel it is unsafe.

How can a community flourish if people do not feel safe to walk around?

It is not just teenagers, it is also adults I see blaring down the roads. Perhaps it is because it is not congested in La Cañada compared to other parts of L.A. and people get excited to drive fast.

Two questions I have for the city: One, why not put in sidewalks? Making a community safer to walk can only promote, well more moments of commune. Secondly, why not slow down? Police can not always enforce the speed so why not think about how badly you’d feel if you hit someone? No remorse? OK, well think of the inconvenience. Court, jail?

La Cañada is a beautiful, unique community close to a thriving city. I just wish it were safer to walk around here and meet neighbors.

Lindsay Kavet
La Cañada Flintridge
