
La Cañada History: Cub Scouts help young patients being treated for tuberculosis

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Ten Years Ago

Fourth-grade students at La Cañada Elementary School completed a section of their social studies unit in December 2002 with a lesson in making tamales. Their instructor was Blair Salisbury of El Cholo Pasadena.

Twenty Years Ago

The Descanso Gardens Guild signed a contract with Los Angeles County to administer and manage the local botanical showplace beginning Jan. 1, 1993.

Thirty Years Ago

An 82-year-old La Crescenta man who became disoriented on his way to Christmas Eve services in La Cañada was safely intercepted by law enforcement officers after driving westbound in the eastbound lanes of the 210 Freeway. It seems he overshot La Cañada, and when he realized his error, he reentered the 210 from the exit at Arroyo Boulevard. He continue going the wrong way on the freeway until he was stopped west of Gould Avenue.

Forty Years Ago

Jack Friedman, then in his 17th year as head football coach at St. Francis High School, was named Coach of 1972 by the Los Angeles Times. Friedman, 45, had just led his team to its ninth league title.

Fifty Years Ago

Cub Scout Pack 512 of La Cañada Elementary School presented handmade toys and a large television set to the Children’s Ward of Olive View Sanitarium in San Fernando. The young patients there were being treated for tuberculosis.

Sixty Years Ago

Choirs led by the musical directors of five La Cañada churches were preparing for a special event, the Community Christmas Carol Sing, which would be held on the athletic field at La Cañada Junior High School on Cornishon Avenue.


Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci
