
Children pick up on public language

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Driving my children to school one morning, I heard my 7-year-old ask, “Mama, what does ‘Kick Ass’ mean?”

Since we don’t use this language at home, I had to ask where he had heard this word. My son pointed to one of several bus benches that we would see in the next few weeks. Soon after, a city bus driving in our neighborhood had these words blazing on the side.

I understand that it is my job to teach my children. But are these words acceptable for my children to use in public places? Can my children use these words in the classroom? Are these words allowed and condoned in a court of law? Keeping my dismay out of it, if the public property displays this wording, does this mean that the city deems this language acceptable? I certainly hope that we have not fallen to these depths.

On another level, I vehemently oppose my city’s public property to advertise these words. When are we going to stand up for civility and common decency? This language is not welcome in my home and I hope that it is not in your house as well. Perhaps then, children won’t be confused when their teacher sends them to the principal for repeating what they saw on the side of a bus.

Catherine Stockinger
La Crescenta
