
Letter: Flintridge-Heart deserves to thrive

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We have lived in La Cañada for 33 years and our home is within walking distance of Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy. This school is a gem on our hill, an anchor for our neighborhood and a terrific neighbor. FSHA is not only a well-respected school, it is also a place dedicated to the neighborhood and community service.

We continue to be flummoxed by full page ads placed in local newspapers regarding FSHA’s modernization project.

As neighbors, we believe we need to allow FSHA the opportunity to continue to fully lay out its plans and explain the master plan project. We also need to review the city’s Environmental Impact Report before drawing conclusions. As this project moves forward, we urge everyone to follow a well-established process by La Cañadans of engaging in productive conversations by and among the neighbors, the school and city officials.

Since the school’s upgrade efforts began, FSHA has invited neighbors and homeowners to attend detailed presentations in an effort to garner neighborhood input. This process works — as evidenced by the school’s new traffic management plan implemented in August 2013.

In response to neighbors’ concerns about school traffic, the school now requires its students to carpool or ride a bus to school. We have noticed a measurable reduction in cars on the hill and we know that other neighbors are pleased as well. We applaud FSHA for its efforts on behalf of the neighborhood.

As neighbors of FSHA and citizens of La Cañada, having a well-respected, college preparatory school next door that focuses on educating the next generation of women leaders is a source of pride for us and makes our neighborhood and community very special. La Cañadans should take pride in FSHA and do everything they can to ensure that FSHA and all of our wonderful schools continue to thrive.

Charles D. Kenny
La Cañada Flintridge
