
Letter: Glad to vote yes for school district

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Like so many of our friends and neighbors, we moved to La Cañada Flintridge because we wanted our daughters to have a great public education in a warm and nurturing community. Our oldest, Sofia, entered LCE in kindergarten, graduated from LCHS and finished her degree at UCSB early thanks to advanced classes in high school. Bella is finishing up sixth grade and will attend LCHS 7/8 next year. Settling here was the right decision for our family because our daughters achieved what we hoped they would, had challenging classes and the opportunity to learn and to succeed.

Like many other parents and community members, we volunteer and are engaged in civic responsibility and support many causes. Are we actively looking for one more financial commitment? Frankly, no. But the LCUSD is at a crossroad that demands us to engage and to lend our support.

The historic Local Control Funding Formula will not bring the same additional funding here as it will many other school districts in California. Yet our district’s needs continue to be significant. Quality schools help our entire community by increasing our property values, lowering the crime rate and maintaining an exceptional quality of life. We are strong and proud “yes” votes for Measure LC and urge you to support it as well.

Ellen and Anthony Portantino
La Cañada Flintridge
