
National Public Radio names La Cañada resident interim CEO, announces staff cuts

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National Public Radio announced that it will reduce its work force by 10 percent — about 840 people will be offered voluntary buyouts to balance its budget — and a La Cañada resident will take over as interim chief executive officer, according to media reports.

Paul Haaga Jr., who is a member of NPR’s board and former chairman of the Los Angeles based investment firm Capital Research and Management Co., will replace Gary Nell as interim CEO. Nell is leaving his role at NPR to be CEO of National Geographic, KPCC (89.3) reported.

Haaga led funding for a recent gallery project at Descanso Gardens, donating a $2.1 million gift with his wife Heather Sturt Haaga to help build the Sturt Haaga Gallery.

The registered Republican is active in philanthropy in Southern California, working as a Huntington Library trustee and president of the Los Angeles County Museum of National History’s board of trustees.

-- Nicole Charky,

Follow on Twitter: @nicosharki.


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