
Rural heritage should be respected

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I’m with Anita Brenner (“Protect the threatened persimmon trees,” Around Town, Jan. 10). I was appalled to read that the city Planning Commission plans call for the destruction of potentially productive trees on acreage tucked away on the northern edge of town, along the Angeles Crest Highway.

I’m a longtime resident of La Cañada Flintridge and I understand that the respect for our rural heritage is one of the most charming and appealing attributes of our community (along with our outstanding academic achievement).

We used to enjoy stopping by Mr. Johnson’s ranch to visit with his alpacas. It is this linkage to the land and the history of our rural past, coupled with our success in the present and our drive toward the future that sets La Cañada Flintridge apart from other “high-end” cities in Southern California. I like this diversity. It would be a shame to sacrifice our heritage for the sake of “synchronization” of a zoning plan.

Sandra Wallace
La Cañada
