Georgia U.S. Senate runoff elections results

Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff were declared the winners of runoff elections against Republican David Perdue and Sen. Kelly Loeffler on Wednesday, handing Democrats control of the Senate and giving President-elect Joe Biden a major early victory that will improve his chances of getting his legislative agenda and nominations through Congress.

Both men make history: Warnock will be Georgia’s first Black senator while Ossoff will be Georgia’s first Jewish senator, as well as the first Jewish senator elected from any Deep South state since Reconstruction.

How Georgia compares to the rest of the country

Georgia has the third highest percentage of Black people. College education levels are below the national average, and household income is below the U.S. median.

31% Black
31% of Georgia is Black.
31% with bachelor's degree
31% of Georgians have a bachelor's degree.
$55.7K median income
Georgia's median household income is $55,679.

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