
La Cañada History: Local dads perform in 12th annual Father’s Frolics

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Ten Years Ago

A two-day fundraiser at Foothill Car Wash generated support and approximately $13,000 to assist former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Randy Rousseau, a popular local law enforcement official who had been stationed at the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station before being diagnosed weeks earlier with leukemic meningitis. A year later, in May 2007, the 44-year-old Rousseau passed away from the cancer.

Twenty Years Ago

Bil Hoge, then La Cañada’s representative in the state Assembly, introduced a resolution asking for Gov. Pete Wilson to order the state National Guard to patrol the California-Mexico border to stem the flow of undocumented immigrants.

Thirty Years Ago

A Sport Chalet manager reported that five La Cañada teens had been arrested in the spring of 1986 for various incidents and warned through a press statement that shoplifting at his store (then in the building that now houses a Sprouts market), would not be tolerated, no matter how small the crime. He stated arrests would be made and prosecutions carried out.

Forty Years Ago

As La Cañada prepared for its 1976 Fiesta Days celebration — saluting America’s 200th birthday year while also giving a nod to the Crescenta-Cañada Valley’s Spanish heritage — a calendar of events was released for May 23 through 31 that included an open house at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a carnival, an art festival, folk dancing, a “Gold Rush Ball” and a host of other activities, including the annual parade along Foothill Boulevard.

Fifty Years Ago

The 12th annual Father’s Frolics, a stage revue featuring local dads, was presented at Lanterman Auditorium, courtesy of the Fathers Council, which presented 25 different acts.

Sixty Years Ago

The La Cañada branch of Bank of America moved from its first location here, on Foothill at Beulah Drive, to a new $250,000 building in the 600 block of Foothill. The bank then had 16 employees who made the move.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci
