
The Valley Line: Spartan Boosters host fundraiser at Thursday Club

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On Feb. 2, all eyes were focusing on Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania to see what Punxsutawney Phil would have to say about the weather. That sleepy rodent, held by a top hatted gentleman in his formal morning coat, predicted that there would be an early spring.

For residents on the East Coast who were experiencing a snowstorm, this must have been good news. Of course, here in our part of the woods, the weather has been mild, even summer-like.

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I went wandering on the Internet reading up on how this whole thing about “Groundhog Day” began. I’ve gathered bits and pieces about the legend.

Apparently thousands of years ago when animal and nature worship was prevalent, people in what is now Germany believed the badger had the power to predict the coming of spring. They watched the badger to know when to plant their crops. By the time the first German immigrants settled in Pennsylvania, they brought this tradition with them. There weren’t many badgers in these forests so the settlers chose the groundhog to replace him.

Punxsutawney, Pa., held its first Groundhog Day in the U.S. in the 1800s. The first official trek to Gobbler’s Knob was made on Feb. 2, 1887. It is said that Punxsutawney Phil was named after King Phillip. He was called Br’er Groundhog prior to being known as “Phil.”


On a far more local scene, upward of 150 La Cañada High School sports enthusiasts gathered at the La Cañada Thursday Club to take part in fundraising at a Spartan Boosters party.

Heaters placed on the club’s beautiful patio took the chill out of the air as guests gathered to sip beverages and nibble on foods prepared by the Spot Catering.

The event raised nearly $36,000 for LCHS sports programs.

Assisting Craig Miller, event chairman, were committee members Mindy DiPaolo, Tom Knudsen, Lindsay Monroe and Jamie Gilmour.

There were plenty of silent auction items to bid on and the live auction of special wines was a huge success.

Some of those top sellers were a case of 2008 Fuligni Brunello Di Montalcino that went for $1,350; six bottles of 2010 Barbaresco, Maria di Braun for $600; and a 1.3 litre Chimay Brand Reserve Blue Label and 1 magnum of Lanson Brut Champagne went for $550.

Wine served for sipping that evening included Peachy Canyon Westside Zinfandel, Peachy Canyon Cirque du Vin (Red Blend), J Lohr Pinot Noir, Falcons Perch and Consillience Chardonnay.


There was excitement in the air and a sense of a job well done when members and guests of the La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Assn., like the Spartan Boosters, gathered recently at the La Cañada Thursday Club for the float association’s annual dinner meeting.

With the Bob Hope Humor Trophy banner that our float, “Up a Creek,” garnered at the Rose Parade prominently displayed onstage, the gathering was celebratory from start to finish.

When the meeting was called to order Adam Rahtz led the Pledge of Allegiance, Tim Rahtz delivered the thoughtful invocation and La Cañada Flintridge Mayor Dave Spence was master of ceremonies for the event. The dinner was catered by Jeff Hemphill of Cut Carve and Pour.

LCFTRA outgoing president Bill Pounders, with Bob Wallace and Bob Neilson, and the various LCFTRA chairs, recognized the many individuals involved in all aspects of the design, construction, and decoration of “Up a Creek”, La Cañada’s 38th consecutive entry in the Rose Parade and the 27th award winner for our city.

Chuck Terhune paid a poignant tribute to the late Jim Geoghegan, who so generously contributed his time, talent, expertise and humor to LCFTRA for so many years and will be sorely missed.

Pounders presided over the meeting and recognized the retiring directors as well as the following new directors elected to the board: Maureen Bond, Jeff Helgager, Clyde Hemphill, Sarah Marshall and Chuck Terhune.

They will join continuing directors Caroline Craven, Nymia Cucueco, Alison Davitt, Pam Gossoo, Dena Hardin, James Herrington, Peggy Hotaling, Carlo Micalizio, Bob Neilson, Mike O’Connor, Jeanni Trout and Bob Wallace.

Following the election, Mayor Spence installed the new board members as well as the elected officers for 2016-17 year: Chuck Terhune, president; Peggy Hotaling, VP Administration; Bob Wallace, VP Float Development; Sue Beatty, secretary and Pam Wiedenbeck, treasurer.

Spence also expressed the city’s appreciation for this volunteer effort and expressed his belief that volunteerism is a gift you give yourself.

Terhune closed the meeting with thanks and appreciation to Bill Pounders for an outstanding year, and expressed the hope that many other volunteers will become involved during the coming year.


JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada Flintridge social scene. Send news of your special event to her at
