
The Valley Line: Starduster/Aloroma Dance Club holds June soirée at private Pasadena venue

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An evening of dining and dancing was in store for members of the Starduster/Alaroma Dance Club who gathered at a beautiful private venue earlier this month.

Chairing the “Puttin’ on the Ritz” event were Barbara and Tony Phillips. Presidents of the club are Lillian and Roy Olofson.

The dining tables were centered with lovely spring bouquets of roses, peonies and other lovely flowers in shades of pink. Music for the dancing was provided by Elegant Trio.

Some of those attending the dinner dance were Beth and Steve Auer, Fran and Terry Buchanan, Grace and Dave Cashion, Lynn and Carl Cooper, Cheryl Craft and David Lain, Liz and Bob Craven, Francie and Jerry Crichton, Lois Dery and Jim Fitzgerald, Marlene and Bob Evans, Sue Franzen and Jim Nigra, and Marion and Paul Greene.

More guests were Susan and Jim Holland, Jeanne and Bob Jenkins, Virginia and Michael Karsch, Kathie and Rocco Liberio, Linda Moore and Tom Kibler, Lillian and Roy Olofson, Barbara and Tony Phillips, Gretchen and Rufus Rhoades, Rosemary and Bob Risley, Gigi and Jim Schlueter, Margot and Ed Simpson, Judy and Bob Snyder, Lynne and Joe Thompson.


Every year the La Cañada Thursday Club seeks worthwhile organizations to support with a financial donation of $1,000 from its foundation. One such organization supported this year was Youth Moving On, a program of Hillsides of Pasadena. YMO supports clients previously associated with Hillsides as they navigate the challenges of adulthood.

In May, at the final Thursday Club tea of the season, YMO Program Director Yessi Vasquez introduced the Hillsides recipient, Ebony Harris, to the Thursday Club membership.

Harris is a student at Pasadena City College and enrolled in the Army Reserves Program. When she completes her course work at PCC, she will transfer to a Cal State campus to pursue a degree in nursing. With the money she was awarded, she purchased a computer. In the past, she had been using the computers at the local library to complete all of her assignments.

“Ms. Harris is committed to continue her journey to become a registered nurse in the near future and help those who are in need,” Vasquez said.


Flora Jean Troy, daughter of Elizabeth Troy and Kenneth Scot, attended a tea honoring the upcoming 2019 Las Madrinas debutantes. She is the granddaughter of Nancy and Mike Harahan of La Cañada Flintridge and Chuck and Geneva Thornton of San Marino. The debs are being recognized for their service to the Southern California community and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Jane Napier Neely covers the La Cañada Flintridge social scene. Email her at with news of your special event.

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