
The Valley Line: Of bear sightings, eagle chicks and horse shows

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That old saying about April showers is certainly true this year. We had a double whammy of raindrops on this past week. No doubt the May flowers will be especially beautiful because of the moisture.

This was quite a week for nature happenings. The black bear that wandered into neighboring Montrose and La Crescenta certainly did cause a media flurry — or maybe more like a fury. The hovering helicopters made it sound like we were in a war zone.

I’m happy that there was a peaceful resolution and no injuries to humans or the bear, and that he has been taken back to the forest. I’m sure he had a heck of a headache when he woke up in his new surroundings.

Speaking of nature, I absolutely must share a wonderful Internet site that I have become addicted to watching. The offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Eagle in Decorah, Iowa, have captured not only my attention, but also that of viewers from all over the world. The adult eagles have three fluffy babies that are absolutely adorable. There is a 24/7 live, close-up video cam of the nest. The eaglets are 16, 15 and 11 days old now and growing stronger each day as you watch their parents feed them.

Having a clutch of three eaglets is unusual and only happens in a small percentage of hatches. This eagle couple have been together since 2007 and have 14 offspring. They are very good parents, as you will see when you watch this ongoing event.

This is a site is a great place for children and adults alike to watch. Of course the eagles are more active in the daytime, and many classrooms from all over the world are tuning in to watch this little miracle. The website is www.

Our human social happenings are coming fast and furious, and I have some fancy stepping to do in order to play catch-up.

One recent event was the fabulous Oakmont League fashion show in the Grand Ballroom at the Sheraton Universal. Carolyn Beaton and Lynn Dittrick were co-chairs of the event, which was attended by 300 guests.

The morning began as guests shopped at vendor booths and then were seated for lunch.

The runway show featured fabulous fashions from Lordes Chavez Couture and furs from Dicker & Dicker of Beverly Hills.

The event netted $15,000 that will be used toward scholarships and charities in the area, including Hillsides School and Learning Center here in La Cañada Flintridge.

The Flintridge Riding Club will host the 91st Horse Show, which will run April 26 to 29.

There will be a $25,000 Land Rover of Pasadena Grand Prix event presented by the La Cañada-based Allen Lund Company.

A couple of weeks ago the club hosted a wine-and-cheese reception to introduce Dale Harvey, the new manager of the annual Flintridge Horse Show. Many years ago Dale rode in this horse show, when it was known as the Children’s Horse Show.

For many years, the Flintridge La Cañada Guild of the Huntington Memorial Hospital has sponsored this event, which raises money for the hospital.

The riding club is looking very spiffy these days, with its new beige canvas tarps that enclose the stadium seats.

I understand from Dale that the two riding rings have new footings that all of the equestrians will greatly appreciate.

Some La Cañadans present for the reception were Susan Azad, president of Flintridge Riding Club; Chris Warner, Flintridge Riding Club horse show coordinator; Helen Lund and Jenny Stern, members of the guild who are co-chairing the horse show, and Kris Korkunis, a guild member and past horse show chair.

There is much planned for this show, so mark it down on your calendars and plan to stop by to watch some exciting riding events.

JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada social scene. Email her at
