
Cars flooded the Foothill Freeway

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Ten Years Ago

A new dress code was approved for La Cañada High School that banned backless and strapless tops, gang-related clothing, and metal spikes or studs. It also stated that boxer shorts and bra straps were not to be visible and that midriffs could not be bare.

Twenty Years Ago

Anne Kursinski, who began her training at the Flintridge Riding Club as a child, was bound for Barcelona as a member of the U.S. Equestrian Team in the 1992 Summer Olympic Games. It was the third time she’d been named to the U.S. team since 1984, but not the last. She later rode in the 2006 Olympics in Atlanta and was an alternate in the 2008 Games in Hong Kong.

Thirty Years Ago

Dr. Lew Allen Jr. was named a vice president of Caltech and director of the institute’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Prior to that, Allen held the rank of general and was chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Forty Years Ago

The first section of the 210 (Foothill) Freeway through this valley, the stretch from Ocean View Boulevard to Lowell Avenue, opened to traffic on July 17, 1972.

Fifty Years Ago

The Shopping Bag market (where Sprouts is today) announced that Little Oscar and his giant Wienermobile would be visiting to distribute souvenir whistles and autographed color photographs to youngsters.

Sixty Years Ago

People who owned property on Descanso Drive near Verdugo Boulevard, as well as some from Fairlawn Drive in the same neighborhood, appeared at a meeting of the La Cañada Chamber of Commerce and Community Association to express their concerns about plans by Southern California Edison to expand its Verdugo power station. They said the existing facility was already a nuisance, with loud hums coming from the transformer and occasional flood-lighting for night repairs. They also said it was unsightly and a peril to children because erosion had exposed the property to easy entry.
