
Kiwanis president Thomas DeJullio honored

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Thomas DeJullio, international president of the worldwide Kiwanis organization, was honored Dec. 28 at a special luncheon held at the University Club in Pasadena. DeJullio told Kiwanis members about his goal to integrate the Kiwanis family into service for the community and noted the humanitarian projects Kiwanis is involved in. Several members of the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada attended the event, including President Jim Philips.

DeJullio, an attorney and graduate of Fordham Law School, has been general counsel of Fordham University for more than 30 years.

He took office on Oct. 1 and is traveling worldwide visiting Kiwanis Clubs all over the world. Kiwanis has almost 300,000 members in all parts of the world.
