
The Valley Line: The ‘Marti-ni’ flows at St. Francis benefit

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It could have been a sophisticated nightclub in the 1930s or ‘40s with comfortable lounge seating, creative cocktails to quaff and a crooner singing American Songbook classics — but it wasn’t. Instead it was a “Knight” club, and the cocktail was called a “Marti-ni” named for Fr. Tony Marti, president of St. Francis High School.


JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada social scene. Email her at with news of your special event.

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The event, held at the Pasadena Convention Center’s Ballroom, was the school’s benefit called POSH (Preserving Our Scholastic Heritage) which takes place every other year.

The benefit offered the more than 400 guests who attended the opportunity to have a fabulous time while also supporting the school’s goal of raising $300,000 from the live and silent auctions, paddle raise and grand raffle. All of this was to support both the Fr. Matthew Elshoff, OFM Cap. Endowed Scholarship as well as the school’s current financial aid program.

The fundraiser was expertly co-chaired by Nancy Reardon and Martha Millspaugh. Nancy said, “Both Martha and I wanted our guests to have unforgettable evening of merriment and camaraderie.”

It was a lovely evening and after the excitement of bidding on raffles and auction items, dining on gourmet foods, and dancing to the music of Robert Hanley and his 17-piece orchestra, it appeared that the guests followed the wishes of the event coordinators — they had a merry time.


Eveline Siracuse and Monica Sierra recently hosted a fun Chinese New Year’s party at the New Moon Restaurant in Montrose.

More than 50 people showed up to welcome in the year of the black water snake. According to the Chinese horoscope, the Year of the Snake signals that this will be year of change and transformation so be prepared. The soothsayers tell us that we should be cautious and evaluate things carefully before any rash decisions are made.

Well, there certainly wasn’t a care in the world as our local revelers shared green tea and a virtual banquet of fabulous foods. Stopping into our screened-off room to say hello were Colin Tom, owner of the restaurant, and Kyogi Okabe, its manager.


La Cañada residents Joan and Don Williams, longtime patients of Dr. Gregory Yu, surprised him recently when they stopped by his office to present him with a plaque and beautiful flowers.

They did this because they noticed he was named “Best Family Physician 2012” in the Valley Sun’s recent “Best of...” special section.

“We were thrilled to go to Dr. Yu’s office to surprise him because he and his team have been so kind to us,” Joan tells us.

JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada Flintridge social scene. Email her at with news of your special event.
