
La Cañada History: Oak Grove PTA staged its Family Fun and Mardi Gras

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Ten Years Ago

La Cañada resident Michael R. Peevey was confirmed by the state Senate as president of the Public Utilities Commission. Peevey, the husband of current state Sen. Carol Liu, was appointed to the commission by former Gov. Gray Davis in 2002 and still serves on it today.

Twenty Years Ago

The state Regional Quality Control Board approved a $3.8 million loan that would allow the city of La Cañada Flintridge to move ahead on a sewer project that would include the construction of a main trunk line along Foothill Boulevard.

Thirty Years Ago

Three octaves of new hand bells were dedicated during a special service at La Cañada United Methodist Church, where the guests of honor were those who donated funds to help purchase them.

Forty Years Ago

John Ivers, then business vice president of the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce, announced that June 21-23, 1973, had been set aside for a new community celebration. The event, which today is held on Memorial Day weekend and called “Fiesta Days,” would be a nod to the Spanish land grant on which the town of La Cañada was eventually established. There would be a Spanish fiesta theme, a parade down Foothill Boulevard and other activities, culminated by a dinner-dance at La Cañada Country Club.

Fifty Years Ago

The Oak Grove PTA staged its Family Fun and Mardi Gras on the school campus. One of the featured attractions was a makeup booth where attendees could be transformed into clowns, glamour girls, monsters, or whatever struck their fancies.

Sixty Years Ago

Civic leaders called a community meeting to advise residents that a zone change application had been made to the county Regional Planning Commission that would allow for a commercial center, including a supermarket, along Foothill Boulevard from Ocean View Boulevard east toward Castle Road. That section of town was then zoned for residential use only.


Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci
