
La Cañada History: First Fiesta Days Queen crowned

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Ten Years Ago

Mary Ruth Dicks, a geometry and algebra teacher at La Cañada High School, was named the recipient of the La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation Endowment Fund’s first Rose Harrington Excellence in Teaching Award, which was accompanied by a $5,000 check. Dicks, also named Teacher of the Year, was surprised by the honor. A 2001 gift from the estate of the late Rose Harrington established the award.

Twenty Years Ago

It was reported that students living in the “Sagebrush” area of west La Cañada Flintridge would continue attending Glendale Unified School District schools rather than see their neighborhood transferred to La Cañada schools, following a June 1993 decision of the state Board of Education. By a 7-1 vote, the state board allowed an appeal by the GUSD to overturn an earlier approval by the Los Angeles County Board of Education that would have allowed the transfer, pending a vote limited to residents of the affected area.

Thirty Years Ago

The Rev. Charles Sadler Jr. was feted by member of St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church parish upon his retirement. He had served 30 years as rector of the historic stone church.

Forty Years Ago

La Cañada’s first Fiesta Days, a three-day event that also marked the 189th birthday of the community, was held June 21- 23, 1973. Chosen to reign over the celebration was Susan Le Fevre, who was crowned queen during the Mariachi Ball held at La Cañada Country Club. Her princesses included Karen Wallace, Linda Currie, Melody Akins and Francine Vital.

Fifty Years Ago

The La Cañada Kiwanis Club announced a drive to collect books for the library at the new La Cañada High School, which was expected to open in the fall of 1963. Collection bins were set up at area grocery stores and banks for easy drop-off. A committee was organized to select those most appropriate for donation to the school. The others would be sold at a book fair, the proceeds of which would be used to buy titles needed by the library.

Sixty Years Ago

The fire station on Foothill Boulevard at Hampton Road was gifted with the newest type of resuscitator equipment available in 1953. Several local organizations contributed funds toward its purchase.


Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci.
