
La Cañada History: Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital planned a backyard fiesta

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Ten Years Ago

Parents and Children’s Nursery School on Indianola Way announced the arrival of its new director, Marji Golden.

Twenty Years Ago

The 1993 Music on the Green summer concert series at Descanso Gardens started off on July 4 of that year with two half-hour shows performed by the 60-member Verdugo Hills Chapter of Sweet Adelines, a women’s barbershop harmony group. Director was Carolyn Butler.

Thirty Years Ago

La Cañada Flintridge resident Patricia D. Phillips was named president-elect of the 17,000-member Los Angeles County Bar Assn., the first woman to hold that post. She would go on to serve as its president in 1984-85.

Forty Years Ago

Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital was planning “Fiesta in Flintridge,” a backyard barbecue for 500 people, to be held at the Emmett Doherty home on Berkshire Avenue.

Fifty Years Ago

A La Cañada member of the John Birch Society, Sherman Tablet, announced that the seven-member “La Cañada Committee for Judicial Re-education” had launched a local drive calling for the impeachment of Earl Warren, then chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, because of “his many decisions favoring the Communist position.”

Sixty Years Ago

Local residents were reminded that fireworks had been banned in unincorporated Los Angeles County communities of La Crescenta, La Cañada and Altadena, among other areas. The Valley Sun reported that while the Fourth of July might be a little less fun here due to the ban, there would be “no more burns, blasted fingers or damaged eyes.”

-- Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci
