
The Valley Line: Oakmont League to welcome Geragos; Golden Globes; Miss La Cañada Flintridge

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We have reached the middle of the first month of this new year — went pretty quickly, huh?

I finally got around to taking my Christmas decorations down. I love this holiday so much that I take my own sweet time in putting away the ornaments that I have collected from all over the world. Each ornament is wrapped in tissue paper and carefully laid in a container until next year.

However, I can’t say that my neighbors are too eager to give up this holiday, because their houses are still lit up like it was Christmas Eve.

This is a strange part of the year and it seems like many of our community members are hibernating and recharging their batteries. It’s been pretty darn quiet around here lately.

The Oakmont League of Glendale, which has many La Cañada Flintridge residents in its membership, looks forward to welcoming LCF resident Mark Geragos as its keynote speaker during the organization’s Jan. 22 dinner meeting at the Oakmont Country Club.

Geragos, a noted criminal defense attorney, has defended many super star clients and he will tell some of their stories. He will also talk about his book, “Mistrial, an Inside Look at How the Criminal Justice System Works…and Sometimes Doesn’t.”

This amazingly active group of women recently met for a luncheon meeting at the beautiful home of member Mary Lane. Her property overlooks Lake Hollywood and the iconic Hollywood sign.

League president Chris Halajian graciously invited me to join them. This was very exciting for me since, even though I was born and raised in this area, I didn’t even know that there was a Lake Hollywood!

Mary’s deck provides a spectacular view over the “lake” that is actually a reservoir designed by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and built in 1924. The famed “Hollywood” sign sits atop a neighboring hill and is reflected in the lake. The reservoir and surrounding hills are open for walking, running and hiking. If you are looking for a new recreational spot, this would be a very delightful choice.


Last Sunday evening the Hollywood award season opened with the presentation of the Golden Globes, which I watched on TV. The gowns were glorious with very few misses.

I am a devoted film buff so I had seen most of the films that were nominated. I certainly had my own favorites. Some were winners and others not so lucky. Most of all, the Globes will give us cinema lovers a possible clue of what we might see today when Academy Award nominations are announced.

It is always a great show and co-hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler cleverly kept us laughing and the show moving forward.

An extra surprise came when Poehler won best actress in a TV series-Comedy. Poehler was almost speechless, if you can imagine that!


At long last — tonight the name of the new Miss La Cañada Flintridge will be revealed. The 2014 court was first announced at the Light Up La Cañada ceremony held at Memorial Park in December.

According to Pat Anderson, president and chief executive of the chamber, and Susie Johnson, a chamber member and chair of the Royal Court Committee, the new Miss LCF will receive her crown at a gala dinner ceremony held at the LCF Country Club. Royal Court members include Anne Powers, Caroline Kenney, Darcy Keh, Jenna Gray and Sabine Puglia. The new slate of officers for the chamber will also be installed at this event, led by incoming board chairman Kim Beattie, and awards handed out. It should be quite an exciting event.


JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada social scene. Email her at with news of your special event.
