
La Cañada History: La Cañada High School’s first Sweetheart Dance to celebrate Valentine’s Day

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Ten Years Ago

A home in the 4100 block of Woodleigh Lane sold in the winter of 2004 for nearly $6 million, believed then by local experts to have been the highest price paid for a residential property in the community’s history. “It looks like we’re off to another good year of brisk sales,” said Realtor Rick Mueller.

Twenty Years Ago

The La Cañada Flintridge City Council voted to remove the two-lane “angle parking demonstration” along Foothill Boulevard from Memorial Park west to Alta Canyada Road, as the project had generated a flood of complaints flowing into City Hall during its six-month trial period.

Thirty Years Ago

With memories still fresh of a January 1984 windstorm and wildfire that caused about $2.4 million in damages in La Cañada, local residents turned out for a community preparedness meeting held in Lanterman Auditorium.

Forty Years Ago

There was a movement afoot in town to place a traffic signal on Foothill Boulevard at Beulah Drive as part of a three-point safety plan for the business district. Accidents at the intersection had long plagued the town, leading pedestrians and drivers alike to call for the installation of a signal there.

Fifty Years Ago

Plans were being made for La Cañada High School’s first Sweetheart Dance to celebrate Valentine’s Day 1964. Featured on the cover of the Valley Sun announcing the event were Ellie Annin, president of the Girl’s League, and Dale Lepper, president of the Key Club. The Girl’s League was organizing the event.

Sixty Years Ago

Founded in 1897 as the local congregational church and renamed Community Church of La Cañada in 1924, the house of worship located at the crossroads of Foothill and Verdugo boulevards was formally christened Church of the Lighted Window in February 1954. It was reported that so many people had used that name on an informal basis in reference to the stained glass window depicting Jesus Christ knocking at a closed door, that it was decided to make if official. It remained Church of the Lighted Window until 2008, when it returned to its roots and was renamed La Cañada Congregational Church.


Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci.
