
La Cañada Kiwanis Club accepting nominations for yearly award

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Nominations are being accepted by the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada for its annual La Cañadan of the Year Award. Nomination applications are available via email from Nick Berkuta at and completed forms are due by March 5. Phone inquiries about the process and criteria for the award can be made to Berkuta at (818) 790-3034.

The club will host a luncheon in honor of this year’s award winner on Wednesday, April 30 at Van de Kamp Hall in Descanso Gardens.

Recent winners, selected for their broad-based volunteer efforts in the community, include Mary Gant, Tom and Meredith Reynolds, Laura Olhasso, Clyde Hemphill, Terry Walker and this year’s event chairman, Berkuta.

-- Carol Cormaci,

Follow @CarolCormaci on Twitter.


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