
The Valley Line: Oakmont League holds its scholarship luncheon

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Hey, are you getting into the summer groove yet? One thing for sure, when dark clouds hover overhead on June days, it certainly doesn’t seem like pool or beach weather. Mother Nature will wait until later to test our patience when she turns the heat up to see how much triple-digit temps we can stand. I think I’d better enjoy the relatively cool temps while we still have them and not complain.

My two oldest grandkids Aidan (Chris’ first born son) and Catherine (daughter Heather’s child) had promotion ceremonies in the past week — Aidan from eighth grade and Catherine from fifth grade. Both of them will go to different schools next so it will be a summer of anticipation for them. It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies. It seems like they were just babes in arms.


Speaking of kids and milestone events, the Oakmont League of Glendale recently held its scholarship luncheon at Oakmont Country Club. The resumes of the eight students they honored were truly amazing. It was great to hear a short speech from each one of awardees about their college choices and their aspirations.

Receiving scholarships were Erika Weiler from La Cañada High School; Elizabeth Szule, Crescenta Valley High School; Meagan Yuen, Hoover High School; Maya Ramamurthy, Clark Magnet, and Gabrielle Yanai, Glendale High School.

Glendale Community College students receiving cash awards were Anna Aleksanyan, Melvin Dilanchian and Heghine Makaryan.

The Oakmont League, in existence since 1939, has since always been dedicated to philanthropies — not only for students, but also to its community.

Bob Frank, director of La Cañada-based Hillside School and Learning Center, accepted a check from the organization on behalf of his school. Other recipients were Glendale Healthy Kids and the Instructional Assistance Center at Glendale Community College. Accepting the check for the college was Oakmont member and learning disabilities specialist Stela Fejtek.

This was an action-packed luncheon meeting because the installation of new officers was also held. Allison Weir and Ellen Farewell presented each new officer to the league members assembled. Taking the gavel as new president was La Cañada Flintridge resident Nina Ratliff. Being president of this group is a three-time encore for Nina, a generous and gracious leader.

Other officers and committee chair people being installed included Judy Mendicina, Lydia Trout, Lynn Dittrick, Mary Broerman, Barbara McCullough, Donna Sauer, Pam Sorem, Michaelynn Cashion, Ellen Farewell, Allison Weir and Pam Spiszman.

Ratliff chose a patriotic theme this year: “Up, Up and Away in the Good Old U.S.A.” You can bet that most Oakmont League events in the coming 12 months will be showing the red, white and blue in a multitude of creative ways.


It’s just five months from now that the La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Assn.’s New Year’s Day float, “Up a Creek” will be in full decoration mode and off to Colorado Boulevard for the Rose Parade. During our recent Fiesta Days, the association held an open house behind the water company where the float chassis is stored. Of course there was a boutique section where lots of items with the LCF T of R logo on them that could be purchased as souvenirs, including T-shirts, mugs and other merchandise. Sales from the annual “Floatique” help fund for our community float.

Today the LCF float is just a bunch of metal parts. There were float builders on hand to describe which end is which and what they do. For instance, there are two engines, one for driving the float and the other to operate the animation. Thank goodness those informed people were there to let us know the secrets.

I can hardly wait to see our float in its decorating phase at the end of this year because it is going to be really cute. Here is the description offered up by our tournament people: “Three forest rascals have borrowed a camper’s raft to enjoy the fun of running a wild river. Their adventure is being thoroughly enjoyed by the happy beaver who is in his natural habitat as are the fish, skittering ahead of the craft. Even happier is the bear, excited by the sight of berry patches and wild bee hives as they pass by. But both fail to see the coming rapids. Although alert to the danger, the bobcat has broken his paddle and has begun to panic. Luckily, their feathered friend flying high above has come to the rescue by tugging on the raft’s lines to divert his companions from disaster. But can the valiant bird succeed…without a paddle?”

For sure there are some comical plans for those pieces of steel that now sit behind the water department. By the way, I understand an auction is ongoing to name some of those cute rascals that will be on our float. Check out the website, for rules, etc.

Patti and Joe Maloof will be hosting the June 26 LCF Tournament of Roses Assn. Happy Hour at their home, 5231 Ocean View Blvd. The festivities will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Fix up a hors d’oeuvre and attend. It will be lots of fun.


JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada social scene. Email her at with news of your special event.
