
La Cañada History: Local wins javelin throw at 2009 Summer National Senior Games

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Ten Years Ago

Kathy Bergen of La Cañada Flintridge traveled to Palo Alto to compete in track and field events during the 2009 Summer National Senior Games, where she won first place in her age group (65 to 69) in the javelin throw and placed second in the 100-meter race . She and her husband, Bert, lifelong sports enthusiasts, took up track and field competitions when in their 50s. (In a 2016 interview Kathy Bergen told the Valley Sun she couldn’t wait to become an octogenarian: “I age up in three years ... I’ll break all the records when I’m 80,” she said with a smile.)

Twenty Years Ago

The La Cañada Flintridge City Council approved the hiring of green waste consultant at the cost of $10,820 to help bring the city into compliance with state mandates.

Thirty Years Ago

An Oxford Way resident reported her house was ransacked during a daytime burglary, with the intruders getting away with upwards of $65,000 (more than $130,000 in 2019 dollars) in oil paintings, sterling silverware and other items.

Forty Years Ago

During a special “Teen Week” on television’s Wheel of Fortune program, La Cañada resident Jon Dunn, then an eighth-grade student at Foothill Intermediate School, won more than $1,000 in prizes.

Fifty Years Ago

A rendering was released of the proposed new public library that would be built on Oakwood Avenue. The estimated cost for the project was $644,000 and the target date for completion was late fall 1970. The new library was to replace the then-existing one on La Cañada Boulevard that had to be removed to make way for the construction of the Foothill (210) Freeway.

Sixty Years Ago

Applications were being accepted in August 1959 at the La Cañada post office for the positions of clerk and carrier, with hourly pay ranging from $2 to $2.42. It was noted that applications filed by women would be accepted only for the position of clerk.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives.

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