
La Cañada History: Hikers see devastation up close as Station fire moves on

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Ten Years Ago

A new post-Station fire world greeted those venturing on foot into the Angeles National Forest shortly after the largest fire in Los Angeles County’s history moved on from the immediate area. Visitors were prohibited from driving into the ANF, but could access it via some trails. Valley Sun guest columnist Reg Green, a hiker, wrote, “Whole hillsides have been laid bare and every few minutes you can hear the ominous sound of small rocks slithering downhill ... where the fire struck almost all living color has gone, replaced by skeletal trees, dead leaves and a choking layer of charred vegetation and white ash.”

Twenty Years Ago

Following up on a suggestion from the Air Quality Management District to take advantage of available funding to put clean-burning buses into service, the city of La Cañada Flintridge took delivery of a new, clean fuel shuttle bus. The vehicle carried a $211,612 price tag.

Thirty Years Ago

Members of a Paulette Place family were terrorized during a September 1989 crime when two masked robbers broke into their home, gagged and bound them, then made off with $18,000 in jewelry pieces.

Forty Years Ago

A plan of action was authorized by the LCF City Council to cut down graffiti incidents at the “Berkshire Rock,” a boulder on the north side of Berkshire east of Woodleigh Avenue where for several years teens had painted messages and artwork. Workers were instructed to clean the rock of all paint and apply anti-graffiti paint, reseal nearby pavement that had graffiti on it, repaint adjacent guardrails and put in fast-growing plants in front of the rock.

Fifty Years Ago

In the days before catalytic converters were mandated on new cars, increased air pollution affected the La Cañada High School fall 1969 athletic program to such an extent that 15 sporting events had to be rescheduled to a time when smog concentration was less. Rio Hondo League representatives agreed to limit athletic activities in the afternoon when the ozone count was the highest. The action was recommended by the L.A. County Medical Assn. and the Air Pollution Control District.

Sixty Years Ago

A zone exception was granted in September 1959 to allow St. Francis High School to install a lighting system on its football field. A concession was made to appease nearby homeowners: The school had to direct its lights away from their houses.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives.

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