
La Cañada History: Clouds part just enough for 2,500 to celebrate Jr. Baseball/Softball opening day

Members of a team run around the field during the La Cañada Junior Baseball Softball Assn.'s opening day at La Cañada High School on March 7, 2010.
(File Photo)
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Ten Years Ago

An estimated crowd of 2,500 people turned out at the La Cañada High baseball field on a Sunday in early March 2010 for the La Cañada Junior Baseball Softball Assn.’s opening day ceremonies. Although it drizzled throughout the day, it was considerably less wet than the day before, when rains pounded the Foothills. “Everyone was in good spirits, and I think everyone was happy to get outside for a little bit after the rain on Saturday,” said Jack Johnson, who coordinated the event.

Twenty Years Ago

Maintaining a quality public education system, providing youth activities and preserving open space were the three top issues on the minds of La Cañada residents, according to the results of a community telephone poll conducted in early 2000 by an independent consulting firm hired by the City Council.

Thirty Years Ago

The 22-voice La Cañada High School Madrigal Singers in March 1990 embarked on a one-week tour, performing concerts in Berkeley, San Mateo, Carmel, Monterey, San Ardo and Ojai. It was the group’s 20th annual spring tour.

Forty Years Ago

The Rev. Father Stephen Murtagh, who founded St. Francis High School in La Cañada and was one of its three faculty members when the campus opened in 1946, passed away at the age of 85 in a North Hollywood convalescent home several weeks after falling and breaking a hip.

Fifty Years Ago

Nancy Reagan, then California’s first lady, was the honored guest at a spring luncheon given by the La Cañada Republican Women’s Club. The event was held at the Brookside Clubhouse in Pasadena.

Sixty Years Ago

The La Cañada Chamber of Commerce board of directors voted in March 1960 to spend $125 to print 2,000 street maps of the then-burgeoning town to make available to newcomers and visitors.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives.

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