
More than $45,000 raised for La Cañada schools during Sunday’s Chinese Family Gathering

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La Cañada’s public schools will be on the receiving end of more than $45,000 raised during an Oct. 28 event held at a private home, Marilyn Yang, executive director of the La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation, announced Tuesday.

The fourth annual Chinese Family Gathering drew over 40 guests to the home of hosts Vivian Li and Kevin Du for the Sunday afternoon fundraising soiree.

During the last school year, the LCF Educational Foundation raised about $2.3 million for the La Cañada Unified School District and, with this and other fundraisers undertaken so far, the organization has already made strides toward its $2.5 million goal for the 2018-19 school year.

Lola Deitrich chaired the Chinese Family Gathering, along with help from LCUSD administrators Wendy Sinnette (superintendent of schools), Jim Cartnal and Kip Glazier. Foundation President Caroline Anderson thanked the volunteers and event supporters.

“A special thank you to Sylvan Learning Center, Glendale for their generous sponsorship of the event and to the exceptional team spirit, leadership and dedication of all who participated in making it happen,” Yang said in the news statement.

Twitter: @CarolCormaci
