
New Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital board installed during luncheon event

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Historic Annandale Country Club in the San Rafael area of Pasadena was the setting when members of the Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital gathered recently to enjoy lunch, welcome a new provisional member and install the 2018-19 executive board.

The board is led by President Debbie Post and includes Melinda Gillman, Kim Kessler, Patti Kriste, Delia Cotter and Randy Stanislawski. The provisional member introduced to the group is Nancy Hong.

The organization, founded in 1949 and comprised primarily of women who reside in La Cañada Flintridge, is committed to raising funds in support of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. One of its major annual fundraisers, the Great Chocolate Race, will return Sunday, May 6, beginning at 9 a.m. in La Cañada’s Memorial Park. Every pit stop along the course has water and chocolate treats to help those participating in the 2.5K or 5K Walk/Run to keep their energy up. Following the race, a breakfast is served in the park, where members of Teens for the Advancement of Children’s Hospital (TACH) provide entertainment for children. To register to participate in the event, visit

To learn more about membership in Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital, email Kim Kessler, membership chair, at

Twitter: @CarolCormaci
